
From Intern to eLearning Content Developer: My Journey at Omniplex Learning

Omniplex Learning

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As I reflect on my journey from an intern to an experienced eLearning Content Developer, I can’t help but reflect on the journey that brought me here. It’s been a rollercoaster ride of learning, growth, and unexpected opportunities.


A Humble Beginning

My journey began with an internship at Omniplex Learning. As a recent graduate, I was hungry for experience and ready to develop my skills. As an intern, I wore many hats—assisting with marketing, dabbling in graphic design, and even testing courses. It was a complete immersion into the world of eLearning and I was eager to absorb as much knowledge as possible.


Exploring Other Roles

My path wasn’t a direct one and I found myself naturally exploring other roles within Omniplex Learning along the way. Along my journey, I spent time with the Instructional Designers understanding their creative process and the art of crafting engaging content. I worked alongside the tech team, exploring intricacies of learning management systems. And I even dipped my toes into marketing, learning how to promote our eLearning solutions effectively.


The Turning Point: Content Development

During this journey, something clicked. Content development—the heart of eLearning—captured my imagination and really resonated with me. I realised that I wanted to be the architect behind the courses, shaping knowledge and experiences for learners. It was time to focus, and I was passionate about making a career out of being an eLearning Content Developer.


The Three C’s: Clarity, Consistency, Communication


As I progressed, I embraced the three C’s that guide every Content Developer:


  1. Clarity: Understanding requirements of your clients is paramount. Clear communication ensures that you’re on the same page, whether it’s about learning objectives, target audience, or design preferences.
  2. Consistency: Consistency in process and deliverables is non-negotiable. Templates, style guides, and quality checks ensure that work is aligned and professional.
  3. Communication: Effective communication is the glue that holds projects together. From collaborating with subject matter experts to presenting ideas to stakeholders, it’s an important skill I’ve honed over time.


Planning: The Backbone of eLearning Development

In the world of eLearning, planning is the unsung hero that shapes every successful project. As a Content Developer, I quickly realized that meticulous planning is the backbone of our work.


Here’s why:


  1. Defining Learning Outcomes: Before we dive into creating content, we need a clear roadmap. Ask yourself: What are the learning objectives? What do we want learners to achieve? These questions drive our planning process.
  2. Storyboarding: While Instructional Designers handle detailed storyboards, Content Developers work closely together. We ensure that the storyboard aligns with the learning outcomes, flows logically, and engages learners effectively.
  3. Scripting: Crafting engaging scripts is an art. We map out the content, decide on the tone (formal or conversational), and weave in interactive elements. Well-structured scripts are the building blocks of a compelling course.
  4. Resource Allocation: Planning helps us allocate resources efficiently. Whether it’s time, budget, or subject matter experts, we ensure everything is in place before we hit the development phase.

Remember, planning isn’t just about charts and diagrams— It’s about preparing thoroughly to deliver engaging content. As Content Developers, we know just how important the planning stage is because it paves the way for impactful eLearning experiences that will empower our audience.


The Joy of Creating


And create I did! Crafting interactive scenarios, recording voiceovers, and fine-tuning assessments—it’s a labour of love. But, seeing learners engage with our courses, absorb knowledge, and apply it in real-world scenarios brings immense satisfaction. It’s the magic of eLearning—the bridge between information and transformation.



So here I am—a full-fledged eLearning content developer. The journey wasn’t linear, but it was rich with experiences. I’m grateful for the detours, the mentors who guided me, and the moments when I doubted myself. They all shaped me into who I am today.

To all aspiring content developers out there: embrace the twists, learn voraciously, and find your passion. Your journey might surprise you, but it’ll be worth every step.


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