
How to quiz with Articulate Storyline



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How to quiz with Articulate Storyline

Question: Why quiz with eLearning?

Answer:  Because quizzes give measurable results. Teaching is only half the battle – we need to see if our learners are learning, right?

So quizzing is a standard component of any eLearning module, and thanks to a tool like Articulate Storyline, we have even more options in the way we quiz.

One of the best new features in Storyline is how quiz questions can be sprinkled throughout the module rather than merely placed at the end. Some other software programs don’t allow this (we won’t name names!). But Articulate is different – it’s better. It allows us to make eLearning more intuitive.

Now, the quick way to create a quiz in Storyline:
Create New Project>   Insert New Slide>   Quizzing tab  (on the left)>  Graded tab  (on the top).
They made it that easy! (Remember, you will also need a visual or graphical background, just like any other content slide). From here, you can simply choose between question types and write in the answers. Or if you wanted a little more gusto, you can add images, audio, video etc. Plus, you have the ability to customize feedback for any correct and incorrect answers.

Below is a list of the 11 types of questions available with Articulate Storyline:

  • True/False – We all know these.
  • Multiple Choice (Graded) – Up to 10 options, but only one selection is correct.
  • Multiple Response – Similar to Multiple Choice, but the learner chooses more than one option.
  • Fill in the Blank – There is only one correct answer, however, up to 10 variations can be accepted (to account for such things as spelling errors, etc.).
  • Word Bank – Drag and drop up to 10 possible choices into the empty box displayed.
  • Matching Drag and Drop – Drag options from one column to the correct “match” in the second column.
  • Matching Drop-down – Choose from a drop-down list (instead of dragging) to match what is shown in the second column.
  • Sequence Drag and Drop – Drag items into a correct sequence (ex. Steps in a procedure).
  • Sequence Drop-down – (Are you catching on here?)…A little bit Matching Drop-down; a little bit Sequence Drag and Drop.
  • Numeric Question – Enter a number, range of numbers, or combination of the two.
  • Hotspot – Click on a target area within an image. You can define this ‘hotspot’ area with a rectangle, oval, or freeform shape.

Any questions, comments or concerns? Feel free to chime in. And don’t forget to share this with someone you know who could use a little eLearning!

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