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AI & Learning



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AI & Learning

Docebo, a market leading learning platform, are pioneers of using AI in L&D. At our ELC launch event in February, we were lucky enough to get an insight into why they think AI is so important – and how they think it’ll influence better data-driven L&D decision-making in the not-so-distant future.


LMS vs Learning platform: What’s the difference?


The difference between an LMS and Learning Platform is actually fairly simple:

An LMS focuses on the management of learning content (i.e. courses, learners, reports etc.)

Whereas, the Learning Platform is the evolution of an LMS, designed to facilitate learning and blending formal, social and experiential learning to produce a holistic and learner-centric approach to learning. An LMS remains a core component of the learning platform, but added value is uncovered because of the platform’s ability to facilitate other forms of digital learning, social learning for example, and when powered by advanced technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the learning platform will augment the learner experience by delivering personalisation via content curation and aggregation tools, while streamlining time-consuming, menial tasks for L&D administrators.


So what is Artificial Intelligence in learning?


Most people will already know, but to avoid any confusion: AI is the development of computer systems that are able to perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence, using algorithms to complete various tasks, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making and translations between languages.

In the context of enterprise learning, AI has the incredible potential to amplify technology to make data-driven analysis and decisions (faster), emphasise areas of improvement for individual learners and create immersive learning experiences – not just lessons.

Technology companies everywhere are investing in AI and exploring how it can add to the services they provide (think Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Salesforce, etc.) But the question needs to be asked: what if you design your business to have AI at the heart of what it offers? Many learning companies are investing in AI tools to “enhance” what they currently offer, but is this the right direction? Surely, having a digital learning platform completely driven by AI is the key to freeing up L&D admins from day-to-day repetitive tasks and giving them the freedom to strategically implement and achieve organisational objectives.


Learning specific AI algorithms


To be effective in L&D, an AI-driven learning platforms are built upon learning-specific algorithms that are powered by a fine tuned combination of:

Machine learning

A system where a computer learns without being explicitly programmed (i.e. recognise patterns to complete an action).


Deep learning

Interconnected layers of software-based ‘neurons’ form a network to ingest vast amounts of data and processes via multiple layers. The network can then make a determination about the data, understand if its correct, and then use what it has learned to make decisions about new data.


Natural language processing

The ability of machines to understand and interpret human language how it’s written and spoken. This closes the gap between how humans speak and how computers understand them. Its objective is to make computers/machines as intelligent as humans in understanding language.


So what does this actually mean for L&D personnel?


These algorithms work to enhance administrator’s workflow, by allowing:

  • Analysis of learner behaviour to understand skills gaps and presenting learners with targeted recommendations
  • Automate content scheduling and delivery processes
  • Boost learning ROI. (The calculation is simple: Less training time + greater personalisation = better profit margins)
  • Auto-tagging of content. When you upload a new piece of learning content, AI will read, watch or listen to your content and create personalised tags to help with categorisation and search.


So what impact will AI have on digital learning?


Docebo summed this up nicely: eLearning was meant to speed-up learning without sacrificing quality, AI simplifies that.

However, its true that like a fine wine, AI gets better over time. The more you use your learning platform, and the more your learners access it, the better results your platform will produce. But, in my opinion: AI isn’t just a time saving solution. It opens up an entire new way of looking at digital learning. Allowing us, as L&D professionals, to provide more personalised content, to the right learner, at the right time – every time.

What do you think? Will AI have a big impact on your organisations L&D function any time soon? Let me know in the comments – I’d love to know what you think!

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