eLearning Design

Top tips for eLearning QA



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Top tips for eLearning QA

Quality assurance in eLearning is paramount. I’m a dedicated Quality and Project Coordinator for Cursim, but I’m well aware not all L&D teams have a dedicated quality resource. So I thought I’d share with you my tops tips for spotting typos, transition errors or missing functionalities.


1. Follow a checklist.
Using a checklist to make sure you check all areas of your course is a must. Not only does this ensure focus, it makes sure each course goes out at the same incredible standard.


2. Check the text.
Sometimes I find listening to written content with a screen reader helps – as it highlights spelling and grammatical errors that may have slipped through the net.


3. Check for functionality.

Here’s the checklist I make sure I use on every course:

  • Do all of the buttons work as expected?
  • Do links open?
  • Are videos playing?
  • Do popups display correctly?


4. Check the audio.
Make sure you cover all of these points when checking audio:

  • Does the audio match the slide?
  • Is the audio high-quality? Are there any unnecessary sound disturbances?
  • Does the audio play correctly from the beginning to the end of the file?
  • Does the audio still play even if the user is reloading the page/clicking on popups etc.?


5. Check your course on different browsers and devices.
You can never be sure which browser your learners will use, so check on as many as possible, including: Chrome, FireFox, Internet Explorer, Edge and Safari. Remember that different versions of the same browser may produce different results!


6. Have client, or stakeholder expectations in mind.
Do your stakeholders have specific guidelines they want you to follow?

If there is a Style Guide, or a set of rules for the way they want their course to be presented, make sure that you have this with you when you check the course.


7. Find a quiet space.
QA can take a serious amount of concentration, particularly during the first couple of rounds, so you may find that you work better in a quieter atmosphere.


8. Find a way to log changes that works for you and your developers.

I either use Articulate Review or a form to log changes, making sure the developer can easily read requests and track changes. Screen shots are also always helpful!


9. Don’t rush.
Rushed QA means something may get missed. It’s just not worth it! Make sure you book out enough time to review the content properly.

10. Separate your checklists.

When checking text, audio and functionality, check them separately. Doing them all at the same time means something might slip through the net.