
Does your onboarding programme inspire new employees? 

Despite the significant resources many organisations invest in onboarding, many employees find that programmes fall short in terms of personalisation and interesting content, leaving them feeling disengaged.  

Poor onboarding leads to slower learning, workplace errors, and low productivity, which takes up valuable time and resource to correct.  
As well as this, new starts who feel uninspired are more likely to leave – research shows that 33% of new hires quit after 6 months.

Omniplex Guide supports all working environments – whether remote, office, or hybrid. It streamlines onboarding, enabling employees to reach peak productivity sooner through in-app guidance and support in the flow of work.  

Show me how

Empower staff to use business apps from day one

Empower staff to use business apps from day one

Omniplex Guide will get your new starts up to speed in a fraction of the time. Like a SatNav system, it steers people to learn how to navigate new processes, workflows and software when they're actually doing the work.


Increase productivity for new starts who feel empowered to use business softwares from the word “go”.

Better onboarding experiences

With in-app prompts that are “always on”, employees get support that reinforces up front learning whenever they need it.


Employees feel self-sufficient and well-equipped to carry out their tasks from the day they start.

Effective in-app training in a variety of formats

With clear on-screen instructions and direction, new employees can carry out work tasks without disruption or having to seek support.

New users have access to a content library of in-app prompts, step-by-step walkthroughs, interactive videos, and links to content, to help them while they are working.


Create customised user onboarding content

With Omniplex Guide, you can create and customise guides for any cloud-based app, whether from a third party or developed in-house. There are lots of customisation options, from making certain guides mandatory that are relevant to the specific job role, to writing content for a specific person. Omniplex Guide enables you to customise learning content to suit your company culture.

No development or technical expertise is required to create guidance, so there’s no need to worry about outsourcing content design resource. It’s easy!

Admins and authors can create and manage the libraries of guides and support content and control access to fit your organisational structure.

Find out how

Create customised user onboarding content

With Omniplex Guide, you can create and customise guides for any cloud-based app, whether from a third party or developed in-house. There are lots of customisation options, from making certain guides mandatory that are relevant to the specific job role, to writing content for a specific person. Omniplex Guide enables you to customise learning content to suit your company culture.

No development or technical expertise is required to create guidance, so there’s no need to worry about outsourcing content design resource. It’s easy!

Admins and authors can create and manage the libraries of guides and support content and control access to fit your organisational structure.

Find out how

Personalised Guides to welcome new starts

New employees will feel at home straight away with a personalised guided tour.

Users are guided to complete small tasks to gain confidence with some quick wins, before progressing to higher-value features to encourage usage.

Once up and running, employees can create and share their own guides as they continue to learn.


Measure and analyse onboarding experience

The Omniplex Guide Health Check feature automatically alerts authors to any steps that may be broken or guides that need updating. This ensures a seamless and engaging onboarding experience for new starts.

Admins can also improve the workflows and make any necessary changes to the onboarding programme in real-time.

Show me how

Measure and analyse onboarding experience

The Omniplex Guide Health Check feature automatically alerts authors to any steps that may be broken or guides that need updating. This ensures a seamless and engaging onboarding experience for new starts.

Admins can also improve the workflows and make any necessary changes to the onboarding programme in real-time.

Show me how

How Omniplex Guide helps deliver immediate and effective onboarding

How Omniplex Guide helps deliver immediate and effective onboarding

Onboarding new employees

Create a full induction programme for new users, designed and delivered in-house.

Create new processes

Help new starts find their way around workflows and processes quickly after joining.

Successful implementation

New employees can adapt to new processes quickly and effectively, where guides bridge knowledge gaps, save time and boost morale.

Our Approach



Together, we will create a plan to align DAP roll-out with change management objectives.



From there, we’ll help train new users and existing staff to use the onboarding in-app guides.



Once you go live, we will measure, monitor and refine usage to help you optimise Guide content and workflows.

Omniplex Guide

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