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Subscribe to our newsletter!Array ( [0] => Array ( [acf_fc_layout] => training_post_header [tag] => [title] => Diploma in Instructional Design classroom training [second_title] => Three-day ITOL accredited Instructional Design training [image] => Array ( [ID] => 24841 [id] => 24841 [title] => ID Diploma2 [filename] => ID-Diploma2-1-e1700224300422.png [filesize] => 1151193 [url] => [link] => [alt] => ID Diploma2 [author] => 3 [description] => ID Diploma2 [caption] => ID Diploma2 [name] => id-diploma2-2 [status] => inherit [uploaded_to] => 24082 [date] => 2023-11-17 12:28:05 [modified] => 2023-11-17 12:28:54 [menu_order] => 0 [mime_type] => image/png [type] => image [subtype] => png [icon] => [width] => 614 [height] => 568 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => [thumbnail-width] => 150 [thumbnail-height] => 150 [medium] => [medium-width] => 300 [medium-height] => 278 [medium_large] => [medium_large-width] => 640 [medium_large-height] => 593 [large] => [large-width] => 640 [large-height] => 593 [1536x1536] => [1536x1536-width] => 1536 [1536x1536-height] => 1422 [2048x2048] => [2048x2048-width] => 614 [2048x2048-height] => 568 [gform-image-choice-sm] => [gform-image-choice-sm-width] => 300 [gform-image-choice-sm-height] => 278 [gform-image-choice-md] => [gform-image-choice-md-width] => 400 [gform-image-choice-md-height] => 370 [gform-image-choice-lg] => [gform-image-choice-lg-width] => 600 [gform-image-choice-lg-height] => 555 [woocommerce_thumbnail] => [woocommerce_thumbnail-width] => 300 [woocommerce_thumbnail-height] => 300 [woocommerce_single] => [woocommerce_single-width] => 600 [woocommerce_single-height] => 555 [woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail] => [woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail-width] => 100 [woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail-height] => 100 ) ) [content_title] => Join us on 26th-28th November 2024 [content] =>Get ready to master the art of creating memorable learning experiences and level up your instructional design knowledge.
Join our experts for an exciting three day learning experience as we unpack evidence based learning theories, proven frameworks and powerful tools to help you transform your learning content.
It’s the perfect opportunity to collaborate with L&D peers and earn an industry-recognised diploma.
[under_content] => [link] => Array ( [title] => Book now [url] => #scrolltraining [target] => ) [link2] => Array ( [title] => View agenda [url] => [target] => _blank ) [repeater_content] => [margin_top] => 0 [margin_bottom] => 0 [margin_left] => 0 [margin_right] => 0 [padding_top] => 0 [padding_bottom] => 0 [padding_left] => 0 [padding_right] => 0 [dark_mode_enabled] => 1 [enable_new_margin_padding] => [override_background_colour] => [section_background_colour] => [show_cta] => [cta_link] => [background_colour] => [cta_alignment] => flex-start [cta_section_padding_top] => [cta_section_padding_right] => [cta_section_padding_bottom] => [cta_section_padding_left] => [anchor] => [element_type] => ) [1] => Array ( [acf_fc_layout] => training [tag] => [title] => Agenda [description] =>This accredited course, backed by ITOL – the first UK Professional Institute for Trainers and HRD Professionals, guarantees quality assurance and confidence. We have designed this course to help learners enhance, transform, and strategise their learning initiatives.
[site] => [list_with_ico] => [days] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [title] => Day One [info] => Explore learning theories and instructional design models ADDIE and SAM. Modules include learning needs analysis, SME collaboration, and learning psychology. [modules] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [module_title] => Intro to Instructional Design [module_info] => ) [1] => Array ( [module_title] => Learning Psychology [module_info] => ) [2] => Array ( [module_title] => Instructional Design Frameworks [module_info] => ) [3] => Array ( [module_title] => Learning Needs Analysis [module_info] => ) [4] => Array ( [module_title] => Stakeholder Management [module_info] => ) [5] => Array ( [module_title] => Digital Learning Project Management [module_info] => ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [title] => Day Two [info] => Focus on modern learning techniques, learner-centered design, content creation strategies, and techniques for storyboard preparation and content chunking. [modules] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [module_title] => Learning Trends and Preferences [module_info] => ) [1] => Array ( [module_title] => Learning Personas [module_info] => ) [2] => Array ( [module_title] => Interactivity and Engagement [module_info] => ) [3] => Array ( [module_title] => Developing Learning Outcomes and Objectives [module_info] => ) [4] => Array ( [module_title] => Storyboarding [module_info] => ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [title] => Day Three [info] => Explore AI applications in learning, digital accessibility, learning analytics, effective use of your LMS, and techniques for measuring training effectiveness and ROI. [modules] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [module_title] => Content Development [module_info] => ) [1] => Array ( [module_title] => Visual Design Matters [module_info] => ) [2] => Array ( [module_title] => Maximising Multimedia [module_info] => ) [3] => Array ( [module_title] => AI in L&D [module_info] => ) [4] => Array ( [module_title] => Accessibility in Digital Learning [module_info] => ) [5] => Array ( [module_title] => Maximising your LMS [module_info] => ) [6] => Array ( [module_title] => Evaluation [module_info] => ) [7] => Array ( [module_title] => Marketing your L&D [module_info] => ) ) ) ) [download_cta] => Download agenda [download_link] => Array ( [title] => View agenda [url] => [target] => ) [margin_top] => 0 [margin_bottom] => 0 [margin_left] => 0 [margin_right] => 0 [padding_top] => 0 [padding_bottom] => 0 [padding_left] => 0 [padding_right] => 0 [dark_mode_enabled] => [enable_new_margin_padding] => [override_background_colour] => [section_background_colour] => [show_cta] => [cta_link] => [background_colour] => [cta_alignment] => flex-start [cta_section_padding_top] => [cta_section_padding_right] => [cta_section_padding_bottom] => [cta_section_padding_left] => [anchor] => [element_type] => ) [2] => Array ( [acf_fc_layout] => cta [tag] => Leena Randhawa [title] => Your Trainer [link_1] => [link_2] => [image] => Array ( [ID] => 27505 [id] => 27505 [title] => Leena trainer bio photo [filename] => Leena-trainer-bio-photo.jpg [filesize] => 131479 [url] => [link] => [alt] => Leena trainer bio photo [author] => 11 [description] => Leena trainer bio photo [caption] => Leena trainer bio photo [name] => leena-trainer-bio-photo [status] => inherit [uploaded_to] => 27502 [date] => 2024-08-20 09:14:52 [modified] => 2024-08-20 09:14:52 [menu_order] => 0 [mime_type] => image/jpeg [type] => image [subtype] => jpeg [icon] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => [thumbnail-width] => 150 [thumbnail-height] => 150 [medium] => [medium-width] => 300 [medium-height] => 300 [medium_large] => [medium_large-width] => 640 [medium_large-height] => 640 [large] => [large-width] => 640 [large-height] => 640 [1536x1536] => [1536x1536-width] => 800 [1536x1536-height] => 800 [2048x2048] => [2048x2048-width] => 800 [2048x2048-height] => 800 [gform-image-choice-sm] => [gform-image-choice-sm-width] => 300 [gform-image-choice-sm-height] => 300 [gform-image-choice-md] => [gform-image-choice-md-width] => 400 [gform-image-choice-md-height] => 400 [gform-image-choice-lg] => [gform-image-choice-lg-width] => 600 [gform-image-choice-lg-height] => 600 [woocommerce_thumbnail] => [woocommerce_thumbnail-width] => 300 [woocommerce_thumbnail-height] => 300 [woocommerce_single] => [woocommerce_single-width] => 600 [woocommerce_single-height] => 600 [woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail] => [woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail-width] => 100 [woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail-height] => 100 ) ) [info] => Leena has worked in L&D for over 11 years and has a true passion for it. She has expertise in eLearning, Instructional Design and the use of blended learning provision in innovative L&D frameworks. Leena is highly skilled at analysing the operational and eLearning needs of businesses and creates immersive training content that inspires skill development. Leena loves to help businesses develop L&D cultures and teams that are positive, productive and high-performing. [element_type] => ) [3] => Array ( [acf_fc_layout] => reviews [reviews] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [image] => [reviews] => A great look at the theory behind Instructional Design and eLearning creation. A specialist course on ID theory was exactly what I needed, I learned lots while having existing knowledge confirmed which was great. I would definitely recommend to anyone who works in the eLearning area. [from] => [post] => Instructional Designer, WD-40 ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [acf_fc_layout] => image_and_text [title] => The Venue - St Albans, Hertfordshire [tag] => [content] =>Omniplex Learning’s office is the ultimate environment for learning – the office has been fully renovated to a high standard creating an excellent workplace and training centre.
This innovative space has eight fully-equipped meeting rooms, sound-proofed private meeting rooms and a modern kitchen.
[link1] => Array ( [title] => Save your place [url] => #scrolltraining [target] => ) [link2] => [image] => [element_type] => ) [5] => Array ( [acf_fc_layout] => training_booking [title] => Boost your Instructional Design expertise [description] => [info] =>If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
[blocks] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tag] => [title] => [color] => [text_inside_background_color] => [price] => [price_tag] => [link] => [image_only] => [image_only_background_color] => #2d2d2d ) [1] => Array ( [tag] => Classroom [title] => Diploma in Instructional Design [color] => #3c9cd1 [text_inside_background_color] => Craft memorable learning experiences using proven frameworks and powerful tools to transform your ID knowledge. [price] => £1,995 [price_tag] => Plus VAT, per attendee [link] => Array ( [title] => Book now [url] => [target] => ) [image_only] => [image_only_background_color] => ) ) [margin_top] => 0 [margin_bottom] => 0 [margin_left] => 0 [margin_right] => 0 [padding_top] => 0 [padding_bottom] => 0 [padding_left] => 0 [padding_right] => 0 [dark_mode_enabled] => 1 [enable_new_margin_padding] => [override_background_colour] => [section_background_colour] => [show_cta] => [cta_link] => [background_colour] => [cta_alignment] => flex-start [cta_section_padding_top] => [cta_section_padding_right] => [cta_section_padding_bottom] => [cta_section_padding_left] => [anchor] => [element_type] => ) [6] => Array ( [acf_fc_layout] => explore_more_style2 [title] => Explore More [info] => Whatever your learning requirements, our complete learning solution has the right combination of products and services to improve performance for your people and organisation. [explore] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [ico] => [title] => Articulate 360 [info] => Award-winning authoring apps, one simple subscription. 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Captivating. Simple. Create dynamic media with Vyond. [image] => Array ( [ID] => 10879 [id] => 10879 [title] => Vyond training-01 [filename] => Vyond-training-01-e1643205143813.png [filesize] => 152794 [url] => [link] => [alt] => [author] => 1 [description] => [caption] => [name] => vyond-training-01 [status] => inherit [uploaded_to] => 538 [date] => 2022-01-26 13:52:03 [modified] => 2022-01-26 13:52:03 [menu_order] => 0 [mime_type] => image/png [type] => image [subtype] => png [icon] => [width] => 500 [height] => 727 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => [thumbnail-width] => 150 [thumbnail-height] => 150 [medium] => [medium-width] => 206 [medium-height] => 300 [medium_large] => [medium_large-width] => 640 [medium_large-height] => 931 [large] => [large-width] => 640 [large-height] => 931 [1536x1536] => [1536x1536-width] => 1056 [1536x1536-height] => 1536 [2048x2048] => [2048x2048-width] => 1408 [2048x2048-height] => 2048 [gform-image-choice-sm] => [gform-image-choice-sm-width] => 206 [gform-image-choice-sm-height] => 300 [gform-image-choice-md] => [gform-image-choice-md-width] => 275 [gform-image-choice-md-height] => 400 [gform-image-choice-lg] => [gform-image-choice-lg-width] => 413 [gform-image-choice-lg-height] => 600 [woocommerce_thumbnail] => [woocommerce_thumbnail-width] => 300 [woocommerce_thumbnail-height] => 300 [woocommerce_single] => [woocommerce_single-width] => 600 [woocommerce_single-height] => 873 [woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail] => [woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail-width] => 100 [woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail-height] => 100 ) ) [link] => /training/vyond/ ) ) [element_type] => ) )
Diploma in Instructional Design classroom training
Three-day ITOL accredited Instructional Design training
Get ready to master the art of creating memorable learning experiences and level up your instructional design knowledge.
Join our experts for an exciting three day learning experience as we unpack evidence based learning theories, proven frameworks and powerful tools to help you transform your learning content.
It’s the perfect opportunity to collaborate with L&D peers and earn an industry-recognised diploma.
This accredited course, backed by ITOL – the first UK Professional Institute for Trainers and HRD Professionals, guarantees quality assurance and confidence. We have designed this course to help learners enhance, transform, and strategise their learning initiatives.
Leena has worked in L&D for over 11 years and has a true passion for it. She has expertise in eLearning, Instructional Design and the use of blended learning provision in innovative L&D frameworks. Leena is highly skilled at analysing the operational and eLearning needs of businesses and creates immersive training content that inspires skill development. Leena loves to help businesses develop L&D cultures and teams that are positive, productive and high-performing.
A great look at the theory behind Instructional Design and eLearning creation. A specialist course on ID theory was exactly what I needed, I learned lots while having existing knowledge confirmed which was great. I would definitely recommend to anyone who works in the eLearning area.
Instructional Designer, WD-40Omniplex Learning’s office is the ultimate environment for learning – the office has been fully renovated to a high standard creating an excellent workplace and training centre.
This innovative space has eight fully-equipped meeting rooms, sound-proofed private meeting rooms and a modern kitchen.
Boost your Instructional Design expertise
Craft memorable learning experiences using proven frameworks and powerful tools to transform your ID knowledge.
Plus VAT, per attendeeBook nowCraft memorable learning experiences using proven frameworks and powerful tools to transform your ID knowledge.
Plus VAT, per attendeeBook nowIf you have any questions, please email [email protected]
Explore More
Award-winning authoring apps, one simple subscription.
Create interactive courses for any device, in minutes
Powerful. Captivating. Simple. Create dynamic media with Vyond.
Articulate 360
Award-winning authoring apps, one simple subscription.
Articulate 360 Training
Create interactive courses for any device, in minutes
Vyond Training
Powerful. Captivating. Simple. Create dynamic media with Vyond.
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