10 top tips for creating eLearning video content in-house

10 top tips for creating eLearning video content in-house

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Organisations are increasingly use eLearning videos to attract and engage learners as part of their overall learning and development strategy.

It’s not surprising.

Cisco’s latest report on internet traffic highlights this, projecting that by the end of 2022, 82% of all consumer web traffic will be from video.

Hubspot’s 2022 video trends survey of 550 marketers also states this clearly:

“The most recent data shows that video content isn’t just effective — the demand for it is growing at an impressively rapid pace.”

Video is no longer considered a “special occasion” activity reserved for a big set piece event or company announcement. Video now engages and communicates with existing and potential customers throughout the customer journey.

This also driven a major shift towards in-house video creation. HubSpot’s survey cites that 88% of companies have a dedicated in-house video team.

Bringing video creation in house can give organisations greater control over their content and also reduce the cost of outsourcing to a third party.


Video is increasingly playing its part in L&D content delivery

And this has been particularly apparent in our experience in the world of eLearning, with its popularity growing considerably over the last two years.

According to the recent 2022 Learner Intelligence Report*, video was rated “useful, very useful, or essential for effective learning by 67% of the 2000 L&D professionals sampled. This compares with 38% in 2020.

This coincides with the barriers to creating eLearning video content having been torn down in the last two years. Previously, there was an over-reliance on using 3rd party production companies to create video content. Learning and development teams lacked the skills, hardware, and software resulting in relatively few eLearning videos being produced at a relatively high cost.

Today, it is much easier to create eLearning video content in-house.

Microsoft Teams and Zoom during the pandemic have been a significant factor in providing organisations with a simple “vox pop” video solution.

But we’ve also seen the introduction of easy-to-use video software such as Vyond, which enables anyone to create engaging, dynamic video content in-house.

“Vyond is so easy to use. Everything can be done much faster in-house at a fraction of the cost of using external video production companies,” commented Renee Fredlund, Omniplex Learning’s Director of Product.

“Many of our clients need to bring to life certain aspects of their training programmes in a way that really engages with the learner. Using animated video as part of the delivery adds an extra dimension to the learning experience. It’s ideal for capturing the attention of today’s mobile-first learners, providing them with the learning content when they need it”, she added.


Creating in-house eLearning video capability using Vyond

As with all learning and development content, video has a particular role in delivering training. It works well as part of a blended learning approach supplementing existing material. Files can easily be saved in an MP4 format and imported into your LMS or authoring tool.

Our top 10 tips to help you create engaging, video L&D content.

  1. Create short videos. HubSpot’s research points out that 64% of marketers surveyed claim the optimal length of a short-form marketing video is 20-60 seconds.
  2. Create simple, direct titles that immediately communicate the key messaging to the viewer.
  3. Create captions and subtitles as many people will watch the content without sound.
  4. Be single-minded in your messaging. Ideally, a straightforward message works best. Don’t clutter your messaging, as it will deter the viewer from meaningful engagement.
  5. The introduction to your video content is vital. Ensure your content captures the learners’ attention in the opening 10 seconds. Otherwise, there is a danger that viewers will not watch the remaining content.
  6. Tell stories. Use scenarios to showcase your content that the viewer will relate to and immediately understand from their experiences.
  7. Use the animation, dialogue and lip-sync to speed up and engage learners in the content.
  8. You have complete creative control over your videos. You can customise them to look and feel part of your company. Make sure they are consistent tonally and visually with your other corporate assets.
  9. With Vyond, you can access thousands of assets, musical references, sound effects and props to bring your video content to life. Make sure you use these to add to the power of the delivery.
  10. Set some KPIs to measure the effectiveness of the video content. Review all video content against these benchmarks and refine new content creation accordingly. Hubspot identifies three key metrics marketers use when measuring video content performance: view count, watch time, and engagement.

Help with your in-house video creation.

Omniplex Learning has a wealth of experience enabling organisations to create their video capability using Vyond. If you would like help with this, please get in touch with us here.

*2022 Learner Intelligence Report. Mind Tools for Business.


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