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Digital Adoption
28th February 2023

The 5 Stages of the Technology Adoption Curve

In this article, we’ll look in detail at the mindset and typical behaviour of each adopter category and explore how this knowledge can be used to enhance L&D programmes.

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Learning management
27th September 2022

What is extended enterprise training?

In this blog, our friends at Docebo break down the important differences between delivering internal and external training and what that means for businesses. 

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eLearning development
13th September 2022

Creating a positive learning culture

Well-respected L&D expert Laura Overton emphasises that establishing a learning culture isn’t just about learners and learning professionals, but about “how we get the rest of the organisation to connect, to value, to share and to collaborate with the things we’re doing.”

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eLearning development
18th July 2022

Why digital upskilling is now business critical

Generally, remote working is seen as a positive for both employees and the organisations they work for. But from a learning and development perspective, it presents its own set of challenges, that cannot be ignored.

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Learning management
7th April 2022

How to choose the best learning management system

In this guide, we’re look at the benefits of having a learning management system and how to choose the right one for your organisation.

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Learning management
24th March 2022

How to measure the effectiveness of your eLearning

Proving the value and impact of your eLearning courses can be tricky business. Here's our hints and tips for how to get started.

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Learning management
3rd July 2020

Rise 360 admin tips that will make your life easier

One thing that’s so great about Rise 360 is how ...

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Learning management
30th April 2020

[VIDEO] How AI will influence better, data-driven L&D decision-making

eLearning was meant to speed-up learning without sacrificing quality, AI ...

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Learning management
7th April 2020

AI & Learning

Docebo, a market leading learning platform, are pioneers of using ...

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